Lunime Wiki

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Lunime Wiki

Cyan Productions was founded in 2012 by Lucas Lee and co-founder 2046808[1], it comprised a group of flash artists, animators and game creators who released various games that were/are either shut down or discontinued, as of 2014 (To see a list of their games, scroll down). In 2015, Cyan Productions changed its name to Lunime, with their logo taking on a more clean and simple design. After which, they proceeded to release a series of Gacha games. Some of those games include, Gacha Studio, Gacha World and Gacha Memories.

(To see article pages about Cyan Productions Games, head here)

Official About[]

About Us[]

Cyan productions is a small company that was established on April 1st 2012. Our studio is focused on making games, animations, and even anime reviews. Each of our projects is primarily focused on using an anime art style. Cyan Productions can also be referred to as 'CyanP' or 'Cyan Pro'.

We have all our projects lined up on the Front page of this website. Throughout the year 2013 our team shall focus on a single project for each month. Whether it would be a game or an episode, the Cyan team will do our best to release it with our best effort.

Since cyan is totally the best color there is, we are going to paint the walls of the internet world to the color we all love the most. Not only that, but be able to provide entertainment for all ages through animations and games.
Welcome to the world of Cyan.


Q:How did this all begin?
A:-We've started off with some small game projects. As time went on we decided to create bigger games and animations and call our team "Cyan Productions".

Q:What programs does the team use to create such awesomeness?
A:-We mostly use Flash CS5-6 to do our work. Some GIMP, Photoshop and Dreamweaver is involved to make the site look fancy.

Q:How can I join the Cyan Team??
A:We are looking for those with Adobe Flash drawing experience, or good concept artists. We are active on Twitter so you can contact us on Twitter.

Q:What is the Anime tab all about?
A:-There you will find a list of Animes the team enjoys watching! We review ones we've watched or upcoming ones. As of now you will see three sections; Summer Anime 2012, Anime, and Rated R.

Q:What are the Color Burst factions for? Can I be a Vice-Captain for [color here]? Can I be an NPC for Color Burst?
A:-As of now, the use for such factions has not been annouced. -In order to become a Vice-Captain for the desired color, you would have to ask the Captain of said color. The Captain then reports to Charlie and let's him know of their decision. -Sorry. Those are all the colors we're using, we're not adding any more.

Q:What is Cyanthia? Can I voice a character?
A:-Cyanthia is our upcoming animated series. We're working hard on the first episode and trying to release it real soon.
-We already have chosen people to voice certain characters. If we need anyone we'll be sure to let you know first!

Q:What is "Cyanp"?
A:-Cyanp is short for Cyan Productions. The shorter the better!


Asif[4]Co-Founder/Lead Moderator
Koda[5]Co-Founder/News Reporter
Kay`zki[7]Co-Founder/Lead Fan Art

Note: This list is of members from 2014, it is currently incomplete. Head here for a complete list!


Xkour: Extreme ParkourShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
CyanthiaShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedAnimated SeriesN/A
ChibionShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Jet AceShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan RoyaleShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Color BurstShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan ButterflyShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan CatcherShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan DodgeShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan DodgeShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Brian's Hot PotatoShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan SnakeShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan ClicksShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Cyan ShooterShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
TetrisShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Chibi ExtremeShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Dream Unit OnlineShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedAnimated SeriesAn action comedy series
Fully Loaded LegacyShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
Mix GearShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameN/A
CyanityDiscontinued / Shut Down
GameAvailable only on mobile
Fat Beard ProductionsShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedN/AN/A
Hayaku! HeroShut Down / Removed / DiscontinuedGameA quiz game


  • Phantom is originally known from CyanP.
  • There are many other people who were the team of the website.
  • The website was created after PTRO's website, due to the game being dead and possibly cancelled.
    • However, the main reason why the PTRO web has shut down is unknown. It should've been kept for fans to chat with other DJs and see the story, guide, and other info.
  • Like the PTRO web, it has a chat, too.

Social Medias[]

v Cyan Productions Social Media v




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& Artists
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Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book
[[|← ']] Old Lunime