Chrono is a character in Gacha Life, located in Beach B. He is portrayed as a fierce pirate. His preferred gift category is Fruit.
Chrono's relationship is stated to be 'Stranger'. His personality is tipsy and his occupation is an explorer.
Chrono is a non-player character who can be found on the 2nd slot on page 7 of 'Presets'. In general, he is preset number 86.
Physical Design
Physically, Chrono has sharp and short black hair, brown eyes, brown boots, black pants, a light brown belt, a maroon sailor or pirate outfit, a cutlass sword, a grey cross-shaped earring and a toned light-red bandana/kerchief.
- The smell of gunpowder gives him energy.
- His rival is a pirate named Blackbeard. Said rival is most likely a reference to 17th-18th century pirate Edward Teach.
- Sometimes he secretly gets seasick on his ship.
- His favourite snack is "a juicy orange".
- Although he says he is "the most feared pirate of the seven seas", him not being to Antarctica and furthermore the Antarctic Ocean means he hasn't visited all seven seas.
- Like the stereotypical pirate, when speaking he emphasises the letter 'r' by repeating it while making a personified revving or growling sound.
- On the other hand, he doesn't have the pirate stereotype of having only one leg.
- He is currently stranded and plans on setting sail once he has fixed his ship.
- He once had a parrot but it flew away.
- If you betray him, he will feed you to the sharks.
- His ships' cannons have the ability to shoot 8 cannonballs in a row.
- His ships' symbol is the skull and crossbones, otherwise known as the Jolly Roger.
"Argh, matey!"
"Have ye ever met a pirate before?"
"Get ready to walk the plank!"
"You like you would be good at swabbin' the deck!"
"I had a talking parrot but it flew away!"
"I'm Chrono, the most feared pirate of the seven seas!"
"The ocean is calling my name!"
"Once I fix my ship, I'm setting sail!"
"My arch rival is a pirate that goes by the name Blackbeard."
"If you betray us, we will feed you to the sharks!"
"A pirate's favorite snack is a juicy orange!"
"Any true pirate would know that our symbol is the skull and crossbones!"
"Don't tell anyone, but sometimes I get seasick on the ship!"
"Our cannons have the ability to shoot 8 cannonballs in a row!"
"The smell of gunpowder really gives me energy!"
"I've been to every continent except Antarctica!"
"The sword I carry is actually called a Cutlass!"
"Most pirates only have one leg, except me!"
"What did this landlubber get for me?"
"Arrrgh, is that a gift for me matey?"
"Ships ahoy! I see that you[']r[e] hiding something."
"Wow! You are a very nice seadog!"
"Thank you, scallywag!"
"Shiver me timbers, this is amazing!"
"Yo ho ho, I like it!"
"Argh, this is some fine boo[t]y!"
"Blimey! I really needed this!"
"Good job ya landlubber!"
"That's corrrrrrrrrect!"
"Arrgh! That's rrrrrright!"
"Well blimey, 'ye got them all right! Guess yerr safe for now!"
"If you don't pass this test, I'll make you walk the plank!"
Quiz Answers
Question 1: What continent have I not been to?
Answer: Antarctica
Question 2: What do you call the sword I carry?
Answer: Cutlass
Question 3: Who is my arch rival?
Answer: Blackbeard
Question 4: What is the symbol of pirates?
Answer: Skull and crossbones
Question 5: What will we feed you to if you betray us?
Answer: Sharks
Question 6: What is a pirate's favorite snack?
Answer: Oranges
Question 7: The smell of what gives me energy?
Answer: Gunpowder
Question 8: How many cannonballs can we shoot in a row?
Answer: 8
Question 9: What is one of my weaknesses?
Answer: Seasickness
Question 10: What do most pirates only have one of?
Answer: Leg