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Lunime Wiki

Charlotte Mei, originally referred to as Luni Mei, is a character who made her debut in a 2014 mobile game Jet Ace. Since then, she has made countless appearances in later game titles, most notably in Gacha Resort as a 6-star water unit, Gacha Life as a non-player character and Gacha Club as a unit and a preset. Her latest cameo is in Gacha Life 2 where she appears as a tutorial guide of the game and a preset character.

She was created by Charlotte Lee, one of Lunime's community managers. She was illustrated by various illustrators, such as Luni, Komissachan and Merutoro10.



Charlotte in her bikini

As a creation of Luni, Charlotte never ages and will always look like a 22 year old woman. She has a slim, athletic build and tries her best to stay in shape. She wears her light blue hair in a ponytail, but has been seen without one from time to time. Charlotte also enjoys wearing a visor whenever she goes outside. She loves striped clothing, including her favorite stockings and bikini. While wearing the Gacha-Robo suit, Charlotte has a very hard time seeing, but it protects her from danger thanks to the suit’s heavy armor.



Main article: Charlotte Mei/Gachaverse

In Gachaverse, Charlotte appears as a 5-star water unit. She is introduced as a graduate from Vinyl High who administrates an online social media group. Her skill is called 'Administrator Justice' and leadership skill is name 'Permabanned'.

Gacha Life

Main article: Charlotte Mei/Gacha Life

In Gacha Life, Charlotte appears as a non-player character, with whom the player can interact. She can be found in the west of City, together with Serenity.

Gacha Club

Main article: Charlotte Mei/Gacha Club

In Gacha Club, Charlotte appears as a playable water unit which can be purchased in the Mini Games shop using bytes. She is also a representative of Club VIP and the queen of Club Potato, with her preset recreations present in both of the aforementioned guilds. Her active skill is ATK+ Strike and her passive skill is Team ATK+.


Charlotte Mei's lore, written by Charlotte Lee

After creating the Luniverse, Creator Luni started to become very busy and decided she needed a helper to take care of her daily chores, so she created a girl named Charlotte. For over a year, Charlotte was forced to do very basic tasks, such as clean Luni’s room, go grocery shopping, and cook for Luni. She did all of these chores with a smile on her face, and never questioned how she came into the world. She thought of Luni as her mother, and was unaware of Luni’s true powers. During the corruption events of Gacha World, Charlotte noticed that Luni was away from home for a very extended period of time, and began to worry. She found an abandoned old robot suit in the basement. Although it was a tight fit, Charlotte was able to squeeze into it, and headed to the nearby Gacha Woods. She greeted many summoners there, and even helped some of them by battling for them, but alas she was extremely weak. After being defeated numerous times, she headed back home and decided she wanted to do more with her life than just stay at home all day helping Luni. Soon Luni returned home, and Charlotte begged her for more freedom, which she was granted. Charlotte decided she enjoyed helping summoners, so she decided to create an online community where summoners could gather together, ask questions, and make new friends. A year later Creator Luni decided to create Gacha Resort, and Charlotte was invited as a thank you for her hard work as Luni’s helper. She also received a mysterious invitation to a place called the Gachaverse.


Charlotte is usually always in a good mood, and eager to help others. She tries to be nice and listen to everyone’s questions, no matter who they are or what they need help with. She makes sure to follow all the rules, and expects the community members to as well. Charlotte rarely gets angry, and will usually give a person a second chance if they are caught breaking the rules. But if they break them again, she will unleash her hidden anger and bring out the "BANHAMMER".


DJ Vinyl



Abilities and skills

Charlotte was born with no basic fighting skills, but she has learned a few over time. While wearing the Gacha-Robo suit, Charlotte would only be able to throw a weak punch and was probably considered the weakest unit in each respective game she was in. At Gacha Resort, Charlotte demonstrated her developed fighting skills, although she has yet to reveal her true power. She has mastered two advanced techniques, which will be seen in the near future. 


Gacha Resort

In Gacha Resort Charlotte's a Single-type Attacker and her stats are:

Lv. 1 Affection 0 Lv. 1 Affection 20,000 Lv. 500 Affection 0 Lv. 500 Affection 20,000
HP 50 150 5'050 15'150
ATK 50 150 5'050 15'150


  • Senpai has noticed you! (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on head)
  • News Flash! More units coming soon! (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on nose)
  • It's so embarassing when I'm not in my suit. (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on chest)
  • Touch me again and you're banned! (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped on crotch)
  • Finally I'm in a Lunime game! (Resort ♥ mode, when tapped anywhere else)
  • I'd like to thank my Facebook friends for this win! (Winning)
  • I lost? I bet you are using some kind of hacks! (Losing)
  • Senpai is a very slow runner! (Gem Beach)


  • Charlotte’s creator  is actually Luni’s real life sibling.
  • Charlotte’s story is based on true events. 
  • Charlotte’s creator’s cats are the first 10 cats in Neko Gacha.
  • Mei is a gachable pet in Gacha Studio.


Main article: Charlotte/Gallery
Reoccurring Features GachaUnitsPresetsElementsGlitchesCheat Mode
Reoccurring Characters LuniSenpaibuns1chiYuniLemoLadoCharlotteRamunadeCykopath
Disambiguation Pages LuniGachaUnits
& Artists
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Old Flappy Anime FlappyAnime1Flappy Soccer FlapSoccerIconLedge End LedgeEndIconDoge Swing DogeSwingAppIconStay in the River StayintherivericonExtreme Tiles ExtremeTiles1Anime Jump! AnimejumpiconJet Ace Jet Ace AppClock Stoppers ClockStoppers1Cyanity Cyanity AppFlappy RPG FlappyRPGIcon
Books Cykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring BookA Gacha Love StoryGacha Club Winter Wonderland Coloring Book