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Lunime Wiki

Units in Gacha Resort are used to battle against enemies in various game play modes, and to interact with a player in Resort mode. They are arranged by their rarity and element. A range from 1-star to 6-star is available in-game, together with water, wind, fire, light and dark elements. A lot of units in Gacha Resort are summer-themed variations of characters from previous games.

Units' strength is measured by the value of attack and health points. Affection is a new measurement system, which has appeared only in Gacha Resort and can only be gained by interacting with one's selected 5-member party. If unit's affection is at maximum, its' base statistics get doubled.

Although Gacha Resort units don't have their own dedicated lore pages, some of them make an appearance in game's Story and Challenges modes, where one can get to know them.

Characters By Rarity

Rarity Characters
Swimmer AoiTanned RafaWanchanFloaty ImoutoBeachball-ChanSurfboard-KunSchool BoyHarpiaSchool GirlGamer SwirlyWater FairyWind FairyFire FairyModel KeithModel Leslie
Wonderland AliceJesterMikoIdol TinaLunaCytoRockin’ SamNaitoCocoSchool IdolSethKugariSenseiHikariMummy
ManaGwenDevil AkkiNekohimeLolita LoliNurse RisaUsagi MeidoPopstar AsifMaid SanaOni-ChanXyanSamurai KasaiBlazPirate JessieDemon Hunter
Super Rare
FrostCrescentiaInfernoYumeCheeryUndinePeaceEfreetJet AceSparky ChinsCrescendoJessaRyanStarMallory
Ultra Rare
LuniNaomiKukuMitsukoLilithLyteCloverXEvePhantomCykoEllynReddoxShiroMagyClaireTiffReedCupidMelnyaEvyllnKazetoKarmaAliceMelodyCyanthiaFerryXiaoNova BladeTemachiiBlaireElsieDinoRaimu1chiAnavelAraSheepyKeitoLuiselleCecilia NieveKitty NellaVentusGympie ToxicariaVynil E-347ArniceYasuhaRinGraf SpeeAureliaRashmiKisaraAmaiFlarion V. FenrirKumamochiShinu SoburuZodiacal MonyaNilvera
Mega Rare
Charlotte MeiSylphScythe RipperKimi SinsLunithAriaCarolinaCarrieHeatherNyalaNieroDaisy BakaReiaLulanoDeeALucas LeeJaesellePrincess RosetteKiliosShanielleMoonlight LunaNiaJuno SydeMaou Edith

All items (153)
