Lunime Wiki

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Lunime Wiki

Fire characters are characters in various Gacha games with battle systems.

They deal 1.5x damage to wind units,and receive 0.5x damage from wind units. For water units, they deal 0.5x damage and receive 1.5x damage. They deal and receive 1x damage to their own element, Light and Dark.


Rarity Characters
1-star Wanchan (Gacha Resort) • Harpia (Gacha Resort) • Fire Fairy (Gacha Resort)
2-star Kitsune Miko (Gacha Resort) • Naito (Gacha Resort) • Mr. Sensei (Gacha Resort)
3-star Fire Fairy (Anime Gacha) • SaruNinja KenYoung DragonSkeletonArbiter Keitoku#Keitoku SenpaiAbushuFloaty Imouto (Anime Gacha) • Harpia (Anime Gacha) • PumpkinCandy CornScarecrowVampireElf ReddyChocolateInferno (Anime Gacha) • Naito (Anime Gacha) • Yandere Kuku (Gacha World) • Messy AkkiPopstar Asif (Gacha Resort) • BlazReed (Gachaverse) • VulcanusAlenkyEvanee LeeMe'l Veil Cat
4-star Traceur KiliosKitsuneDevil Akki (Anime Gacha) • Nurse Risa (Anime Gacha) • Kokoro KukuNaito (Gacha World) • InfernoEfreetVileblood Ryan (Gacha Resort) • Jack WallanceGraf Spee (Gachaverse) • Sweet AureliaRyuuga SaikoTelaE.RAZER
5-star Efreet (Anime Gacha) • Samurai Kasai (Anime Gacha) • Kitsune Miko (Anime Gacha) • Popstar Asif (Anime Gacha) • Witch ClaireWinter OdaHeart RipperIdol Kinen#Lovely KinenGuardian CheshireScarlet FlareFreera FlameYandere Kuku (Gacha Resort) • DJ XKiller ReddoxReed (Gacha Resort) • Queen KarmaPyromaniac Xiao1chiAnavel Scarlet (Gacha Resort) • Yasuha • Carmen • Graf SpeeAureliaEmberHarridan RavenBloody Hunter RainhardtAzaleaMoesuraMuu (Gachaverse)
6-star Oda NobunagaAvenger ReedDJ X-masSenpai Slayer KukuScythe RipperInferno CarrieReia GarnettaPrincess RosetteHeRRaFlavaWyattRia
7-star Phoenix Ami

All items (86)
