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Blaster Evylln is a water unit, who made her debut in Gacha World in the last batch of 5-Star Units. She then appeared also in the Creation Of Gacha case in Anime Gacha, as well as in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle and Gacha Resort. She appears as three playable battle units in Gacha Club.

She was created by NaharArkwing.

In Gacha World, her special attack is "Metal Genocider" in which Evylln fires her cannon at a column of enemies, doing Water damage.  Her leadership skill is "Static Defense" which increases the maximum hitpoints and attack value of all units in the party by 20%.


Blaster Evylln's lore from Gacha World, written by Kentkei

Born in a family with military history engraved at their own blood, Blaster Evylln grew with strict discipline and she is highly expected in all combat fields by her father, who was a war hero of the Techno War. But on contrary on what her father expects she to be, she actually has a rebellious mindset, caused by her mother who spoils her out of love. As she reaches 18 years old, she was sent to a military academy and trained there. Her father, being Senior Officer, pulled up some strings, enabling Evylln to be inserted into the most prestigious military division known as "The Elites".

Being the only female in a set of elite military units, the Wolverines, She constantly is bound to fight for competition between the male members of the unit. And yet, she is tough enough to stand by herself against the fellow competitors. She was kept in the unit because of her ability to analyze battlefield information to such detail such as the equipment, strength, ammo types and even the squad formation. But as a female, she was not given the position of a Tactical Commander, making her choosy in following orders.

In a battle known as Seastride war against the Bulats, the enemy breached the defense perimeter of Evylln's team, and as casualties rises. She had no choice but to take arm of her arsenal and mobilize herself. Carrying her portable energy cannon, Metal Genocider. She fired and blasted every enemy and combat tanks that invaded in through the base's perimeter. Suddenly, an artillery weapon of Bulats fired a blast of pure energy from Translly ore, as Blaster Evylln parries the blast with her own cannon blast, causing a massive electrical and dimensional discharge, causing a distortion in time and space forcibly drawing her to a mysterious world of many colors.

Gacha Club Base Stats

As Evylln

  • Club: NA
  • Hit Points: 321
  • Attack Power: 42
  • Defense Power: 4%
  • Damage Type: Water
  • Active Skill: MP All Strike - Attack all enemies for 100% damage, gain 10 MP
  • Passive Skill: Team Def+ - +2% Team defensive values

As DJ Evylln

  • Club: NA
  • Hit Points: 180
  • Attack Power: 60
  • Defense Power: 10%
  • Damage Type: DJ
  • Active Skill: Power Strike - Attack one enemy for 300% damage
  • Passive Skill: Team Crit Rate+ - +2% Team Crit Rate

As Corrupted Evylln

  • Club: NA
  • Hit Points: 215
  • Attack Power: 66
  • Defense Power: 12%
  • Damage Type: Corruption
  • Active Skill: ATK+Strike-Attack 1 enemy with 2.5x dmg, increase team ATK+1%
  • Passive Skill: Team ATK+2%


"You will disintegrate!!" - Blaster Evylln's skill quote in Gacha World



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