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I wish I could go to school like a normal girl...
― Blair

Blair, also known as Creepy Cutie or just C.C., is a character in Gacha Life, located in Spookytown J. She is a gentle but frightening-looking construct who has forgotten about her origin. Currently, she is a wanderer with no home of her own and who is always chased by hunters.

She was created by Joel.


C.C. has sharp, messy, short brown hair with a fade of red. She is four-eyed, keeping two of her red eyes open and another two closed. According to her, she keeps them that way because she wants to fit in with the others, though it is not beneficial for her vision. She has a fractured mouth and a scar on her neck, which was most likely inflicted by her former caretaker.
C.C. is often found to be wearing a long red dress with puffy sleeves, grey collar and a bow. Her outfit is accompanied with red striped socks and brown shoes. She also has a bow, whose sides are differently colored, on her head; one side is of a lighter shade, the other is of a darker.


C.C. is a girl who doesn't talk much, because people find her normal when doing so. Whenever she talks, she stutters. C.C. is very self-conscious about herself and has low self-esteem, due to the amount of bullying she had to face in her life. She wishes that she was normal, just like everyone else. She is very emotional too, crying tears of joy whenever the player passes her quiz. Generosity is also a key trait for C.C., since she will try to get a gift when she has received one.





Since Blair does not know if she ever had a family, she proclaims Joel as a person who treated like one. He is also considered to be a self-proclaimed creator of Blair.


  • Her favourite food is cake and sweets.
  • The only thing she has ever wanted was a friend, which is ironic because she is a character you are able to befriend in the Life mode of Gacha Life.
  • She currently lives near the Striped Room because she has nowhere to stay.
  • She named herself 'Creepy Cutie', although she doesn't want people to know. The acronym for Creepy Cutie is 'C.C.'.
  • She's scared to ask you to be her friend.
  • She thinks the best gift that can be given to her is someone who cares about her.
  • She has never been given anything before.


Dialogues, Quiz and more!
  • It's so lonely here...
  • Good e-evening...
  • You're n-not here to hurt me, a-are you....
  • I wish I could go to school like a normal girl...
  • Everyone c-calls me an ugly, creepy monster... I can't help how I look though!! I wish I was normal...
  • Sometimes h-hunters chase me and I have to hide here... I c-can't let them find me... not again...
  • Oh! It's y-you again! Are you here for m-me?
  • I'm s-scared to a-ask... but will y-you be my friend?
  • My real n-name is Blair! C.C. is just what everyone calls me..
  • C.C. stands for creepy cutie.. w-what! No, I didn't name myself that..
  • I don't know if I have any f-family, b-but the only person w-who treated me like family was Joel.. He says he's my creator..
  • I have 4 eyes, b-but I keep my b-bottom 2 closed all the time to look more n-normal. I c-can't see very well because of it, b-but I wan't to fit in...
  • I have a s-scar on my neck from when I was young and my home t-tried to get rid of me..
  • eh? Favourite f-food? Aahh, I l-like sweets and c-cake..
  • I t-try not to talk m-much because my m-mouth is different, I keep my m-mouth closed so no one thinks I'm ugly...
  • My b-birthday? Ahh w-well I don't actually know since no one t-told me..
  • The b-best gift that I could be g-given is someone who c-cares about me..
  • I d-don't really have a home, I'm always on the r-run so t-they don't catch me...
  • What, y-you brought me something? I d-don't know what to say..
  • I've never been g-given anything b-before... thank you so much..
  • Are you s-sure I can h-have this?
  • I h-have to get you s-something too!
  • Y-you are a-amazing..
  • Thank y-you..
  • Eh? Q-Quiz you? Are you s-saying you want to know more about m-me? o-ok! I'll t-try to make it easy!

1. What is my r-real name?

  • C.C.
  • Blair
  • Freak
  • Creepy Girl

2. What does C.C. stand f-for?

  • Creepy Creep
  • Creepy Cutie
  • Cecelia
  • It doesn't mean anything

3. Who is my c-creator? (Self-proclaimed creator!)

  • Joel
  • Parents
  • Luni
  • SenpaiBuns

4. How many e-eyes do I have?

  • 3
  • 6
  • 4
  • 2

5. How did I get the scar on my neck?

  • I scratched my neck too hard
  • I slipped and fell
  • My home tried to get rid of me
  • I ate a tin can as a kid

6. What's my favorite food?

  • Tomatoes
  • Cake and Sweets
  • Beef Stew
  • Pineapple

7. Why do I not t-talk much?

  • I'm tired all the time
  • I'm shy
  • I look more human when I don't talk
  • I don't have anything to say

8. When is my birthday?

  • April 23rd
  • I don't know
  • November 30th!
  • December 25th

9. What's the only thing I ever w-wanted...

  • Cake
  • To be human
  • A home
  • A friend.

10. Where do I live?

  • Nowhere I have no home.
  • With my parents
  • Park
  • City
  • M-maybe you a-are my f-friend..
  • I'm s-so happy..
  • You r-remembered.. t-thank you!
  • I've n-never had someone who c-cared so much.. I'm gonna cry... T-thank you so much... friend.

Gacha Life Logo
Gameplay Elements CharactersLocationsGiftsMini GamesGemsGachaCredits
Hometown LuniSenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuni
School Courtyard NgocMoeKatMidoriProf. GachaSelenaLily
Floor 1 1chiFuuKumaNurse LuckChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroy
Floor 2 CarmaSakuraTakeshiFelicityLucaHime-samaRockstar-chanRadd
Floor 3 SweetgumBijuu MikeSenpai Artz
Roof FlashyKlauNikki NiiJoelSpongey
Park AlexaEzraHannahKaiPixie
City Gacha City FierinBexPiccPawketSatsunaCalebEmma
West of City LeafuCharlotteSerenity
Back Alley DaisyRinSparkyJae
Beach MizumiMumbleChronoBrodyCoralOttoSummer
Station Train Station SquidiInxanity
Train Dimension Rambo Nyan KittyXenos
Snowlands YukinaKinenFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterCrystal
Desert DamianAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarik
Bamboo Village WeiFengQingLilySpringJadePo
Spookyville AlisaEnzoThornAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaMorganaShadowNemuPhantomC.C.
Secret CharacteryMagical LuniLusaSuperBrian25RamunadeM u um o