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You're not worthy of being my opponent.
― Keitoku

Arbiter Keitoku is a Wind unit in Gacha World as one of the winners of the first "Create your own character" contest. He later appeared in Gacha Resort and in Gacha Club as both a preset and a playable battle unit.

He was created by Reinfield.


Keitoku Senpai


Keitoku Senpai as he appears in Anime Gacha

The Keito Senpai variant appears as part of the School Festival case in Anime Gacha. He was primarily added into the game to replace another unit called Choco Wimo, who was removed from the 2.0.0 of the game per the character author's request.
Unlike the initial character Keito Senpai is based off, he is a fire-type. Therefore, he does stronger damage to wind-type enemies and weaker damage to water-type enemies.

Wolf Spirit Keito


Wolf Spirit Keito in Gacha World

The Wolf Spirit Keito variant appears in Gacha World as part of the Halloween update and later appears in Anime Fidget Spinner Battle and Anime Gacha as part of the Creation Of Gacha case. His special attack is "Arbitration Claw" in which Keito summons massive energy claws to attack all enemies, doing wind damage.  His leadership skill is "Godspeed Power" which causes all normal attacks and heals to hit twice.


Wolf Spirit Keito's lore from Gacha World

Keito of this incarnation in another world is the son of the leader of the government ruling Kezareya, the Eighth Continent of the World.  With it being the source of corruption for world's humanity stooping lower trying to achieve higher, Keito seeks to reform the world even by means of a world war.  In exchange for his humanity, he becomes the World Arbiter, manifesting his power ans exerts it to those who hold responsible to the inevitable fall of humanity in the generation of the modern era.  Despite being a misanthrope, he still holds dear to a select few of people who he deemed worthy to stand by and stay by his side.

Wold Spirit Keito is another incarnation of Arbiter Keitoku.  Residing in a parallel world close to the original incarnation of Arbiter Keitoku, only having a pair of wolf ears and a tail implying that the human side is more dominant to the point he could not possess the animalistic traits and instinct of a real wolf.  His weapons of choice are a pair of wolf claws made out of energy positions at his hands, being an aura-like weapon.  With only his claws and his own power, even if the war was hard fought, he was able to tear down the chains of corruption where the last vestiges of the good of humanity was imprisoned - those types of corruption being biased media, unjust supremacy, world dictatorship, violation of human rights and many more.

After the war, he was brought to another world to the Erebrium Plane of Darkness, unaware that he is registered as one of the War Spirits, thus summoned which is done by a princess named Nyxeria Luiselle, Keito realizes his role through enlightenment of the situation and then proceeds to take pledge, forging a contract of being loyal to her, entrusted with a duty to protect her with his life on the line for Nyxeria Luiselle has a task to do for the sake of the universe's balance, with his objective to safeguard and take care of her well-being as also being her lover.  This is where another journey begins and while both of them are going through worlds, they found themselves being at a set of various worlds with rainbow radiance.

Abilities & skills

In Gacha World, his special attack is "Delta Tempest" in which Keitoku creates a sigil in the air and breaks it, scattering explosive orbs among all enemies, doing wind damage.  His leadership skill is "Ultimate Attack Boost" which increases the attack value of all units in the party by 30%.


Gacha World

  • "You're not worthy of being my opponent." - Arbiter Keitoku's skill quote in Gacha World.
  • "When you see it, it's too late. You will perish." - Wolf Spirit Keito's skill quote in Gacha World.

Gacha Resort

  • "It's time for you to fall before us!" - Keito's special attack quote in Gacha Resort.
  • "A morning jog!" - Keito's on Gem Beach in Gacha Resort.
  • "See? We are one step ahead of them." - Keito's victory quote in Gacha Resort.
  • "Sigh, more practice it is..." - Keito's loss quote in Gacha Resort.
  • "I don't actually know how to wear a smile..." - When Keito is tapped on his head in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.
  • "I do watch over my wife and child most of the time." - When Keito is tapped on his nose in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.
  • "I'm not even that attractive... or am I?" - When Keito is tapped on his chest in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.
  • "Oi! You're not worthy of touching that!" - When Keito is tapped on his pants in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.
  • "Finally, some time to relax." - When Keito is tapped on anywhere else in Gacha Resort's Resort mode.


  • "You should learn the lore of every character you meet." - Keito in Gacha Club
  • "You are not worthy of being noticed." - Keitoku Senpai in Anime Gacha


Features GachaAchievementsOptionsGuide
Shops Gem ShopFashion ShopUpgrade Shop
Story Gacha WoodsGacha KingdomXkourXkour SkylinesElementiaVinyl CityNeon CityGacha MoonRNG World
Events Farm (Season 1)Farm (Season 2)Exp (Season 1)Exp (Season 2)AwakeningCorruption
Challenges Luiselle's WeddingThe Love LetterNeko NyaGacha League
Other Tower
Water S3 Gacha-RoboSwimmer AoiCyto
S4 FrostUndineXyan
S5 DJ LyteBreaker BlaireCreator LuniCykopathRiku KuroiJack AceGemini Yumi-YumaBlaster Evylln
S6 Grandmaster ClaireMummy CyanthiaCandy Cane CykoBaka Blaire
S7 Penelope Coconut
Wind S3 JesterBaller KugariAtom
S4 GwenSylphJessa
S5 DJ CloverHermit TurtlePresident NaomiSagittarius EllynArbiter KeitokuLady LuckKazeto NekoshimaMarie Florepuella
S6 Blooming TiffWolf Spirit KeitoSnowball SylphChocolate Clover
S7 Dice
Fire S3 Devil AkkiYandere KukuBlaz
S4 InfernoEfreetNaito
S5 DJ XScarlet FlareIdol KinenKiller ReddoxCandy TanukiFreera FlameQueen KarmaPyromaniac Xiao
S6 Avenger ReedScythe RipperDJ X-MasSenpai Slayer Kuku
S7 Phoenix Ami
Light S3 Pirate JessieMaid SanaCele
S4 KiliosNekohimeYume
S5 DJ EveNova BladeKitsune MitsukoShiro SnowNanoko ShikiPaladin I'baLord ZeijurCelestial Alice
S6 Starlight EllieScarecrow KiliosChristmas EveCupid Valentine
S7 Lulano Skybunny
Dark S3 Demon HunterLolita LoliLuna
S4 ValeCheeryCindy
S5 DJ PhantomAngelic VioletSuccubus LilithReaperess MagyMelnya KyuzoTormentor SeiyaLolimere SuishoNyxeria Luiselle
S6 Lovely LunithWitch MelodyRibbon Tied PhantomDelicious Melnya
S7 Shishi
Gacha Resort
Features AdventureBeach RelayChallengesGachaMini GamesGiftsShop
Story Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Miscellaneous SummonerEllieCoruRogerSadiKakuiPina
Swimmer AoiTanned RafaWanchanFloaty ImoutoBeachball-ChanSurfboard-KunSchool BoyHarpiaSchool GirlGamer SwirlyWater FairyWind FairyFire FairyModel KeithModel Leslie
Wonderland AliceJesterMikoIdol TinaLunaCytoRockin’ SamNaitoCocoSchool IdolSethKugariSenseiHikariMummy
ManaGwenDevil AkkiNekohimeLolita LoliNurse RisaUsagi MeidoPopstar AsifMaid SanaOni-ChanXyanSamurai KasaiBlazPirate JessieDemon Hunter
FrostCrescentiaInfernoYumeCheeryUndinePeaceEfreetJet AceSparky ChinsCrescendoJessaRyanStarMallory
LuniNaomiKukuMitsukoLilithLyteCloverXEvePhantomCykoEllynReddoxShiroMagyClaireTiffReedCupidMelnyaEvyllnKazetoKarmaAliceMelodyCyanthiaFerryXiaoNova BladeTemachiiBlaireElsieDinoRaimu1chiAnavelAraSheepyKeitoLuiselleCecilia NieveKitty NellaVentusGympie ToxicariaVynil E-347ArniceYasuhaRinGraf SpeeAureliaRashmiKisaraAmaiFlarion V. FenrirKumamochiShinu SoburuZodiacal MonyaNilvera
Charlotte MeiSylphScythe RipperKimi SinsLunithAriaCarolinaCarrieHeatherNyalaNieroDaisy BakaReiaLulanoDeeALucas LeeJaesellePrincess RosetteKiliosShanielleMoonlight LunaNiaJuno SydeMaou Edith