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Lunime Wiki

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Ali is an NPC located in the desert of Life Mode. You can encounter him by burning blacks in the desert, and he is usually found next to Horus. Alternatively, you can reach him by traveling to the Train Station, boarding the train, and heading right to access a portal leading to the desert.


Ali is an Egyptian character characterized by his distinct appearance. He sports short and fluffy hair with a blue-gray ombre. His attire typically consists of a sleeveless gray shirt and a dark blue-grey jacket. He pairs these with red pants featuring a brown belt at the waist and white bandages at the cuffs. Around his neck, he wears a white scarf, and his footwear comprises brown shoes. Notably, his face features six dark blue markings beneath his narrow brown eyes, which have black crescent moons as pupils. Ali is frequently depicted wielding a sword, and his hands are adorned with fingerless dark gray gloves.




  • He has a pet lizard named Baba, which is most likely a reference to Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
  • The rarest treasure he's ever found was an ancient scroll.


Dialogues, Quiz and more!
  • Be careful, don't fall for a mirage!
  • I'll protect you from danger!
  • It's pretty hot today!
  • Any good places to raid?
  • I might look mean, but I'm a nice guy.
  • It's easy to get lost in the desert.
  • My name is Ali, and I'm a bandit!
  • Where did my camel go?
  • If you plan a trip across the desert, always bring water! (Ask #1)
  • Did you know that the pyramids were built 10 million years ago? (Ask #2)
  • The Sphinx is one of our most treasured landmarks! (Ask #3)
  • This entire year it has rained zero times! (Ask #4)
  • Always watch out for snakes in the desert! (Ask #5)
  • I have a pet lizard named Baba! (Ask #6)
  • The hottest it's ever been here is 117 degrees! (Ask #7)
  • The best caves to find treasure are in the southeast! (Ask #8)
  • Don't come out of your house at night, it's too dangerous! (Ask #9)
  • The rarest treasure I've found is an ancient scroll! (Ask #10)
  • A gift? Did you steal it?
  • I will gladly accept any presents!
  • Oh your giving that to me? Awesome!
  • Nice gift, I dig it!
  • Not bad, I'll put it to good use!
  • Pretty cool present, thanks!
  • It's so sparkly, it must be worth a fortune!
  • Open sesame! Wow this gift is amazing!
  • This is better than most of the treasure I loot!
  • Can you steal away a perfect score?

1. What should you bring on a desert trip?

  • Water
  • Soda
  • Tea
  • Milk

2. How many millions of years ago were the pyramids built?

  • 5
  • 10
  • 1
  • 4

3. What is one of our most treasured landmarks?

  • The Stadium
  • The Bridge
  • The Sphinx
  • The Camel

4. How many times did it rain this year?

  • 365
  • 2
  • 15
  • 0

5. What should you watch out for in the desert?

  • Snakes
  • Ants
  • Rats
  • Flies

6. What is my pet lizard's name?

  • Bebe
  • Baba
  • Bobo
  • Bibi

7. What's the hottest temperature it's been?

  • 115
  • 121
  • 117
  • 111

8. Where are the best treasure caves located?

  • Southwest
  • Northwest
  • Northeast
  • Southeast

9. When should you stay in your house?

  • Night
  • Dawn
  • Day
  • Morning

10. What's the rarest treasure I've found?

  • Ancient Pot
  • Ancient Scroll
  • Ancient Stamp
  • Ancient Coin
  • Nice one, you got it!
  • Not bad, they will get harder!
  • That was the right choice!
  • I guess you know what you're doing, you got them all correct!
  • Nah, that is way off!

Gacha Life Logo
Gameplay Elements CharactersLocationsGiftsMini GamesGemsGachaCredits
Hometown LuniSenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuni
School Courtyard NgocMoeKatMidoriProf. GachaSelenaLily
Floor 1 1chiFuuKumaNurse LuckChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroy
Floor 2 CarmaSakuraTakeshiFelicityLucaHime-samaRockstar-chanRadd
Floor 3 SweetgumBijuu MikeSenpai Artz
Roof FlashyKlauNikki NiiJoelSpongey
Park AlexaEzraHannahKaiPixie
City Gacha City FierinBexPiccPawketSatsunaCalebEmma
West of City LeafuCharlotteSerenity
Back Alley DaisyRinSparkyJae
Beach MizumiMumbleChronoBrodyCoralOttoSummer
Station Train Station SquidiInxanity
Train Dimension Rambo Nyan KittyXenos
Snowlands YukinaKinenFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterCrystal
Desert DamianAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarik
Bamboo Village WeiFengQingLilySpringJadePo
Spookyville AlisaEnzoThornAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaMorganaShadowNemuPhantomC.C.
Secret CharacteryMagical LuniLusaSuperBrian25RamunadeM u um o
Alexa Alisa