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Lunime Wiki
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1chi is a character that appears in Gacha Resort, Gacha Life and Meme Gacha, as well as Gacha Club where he appears as several playable battle units.


1chi has messy white and red hair swept to one side to cover one of his eyes with red highlights. His eyes are red and he has fair skin. He wears a red scarf with a yellow stripe down the middle, a white jacket with long white sleeves rimmed with red over a red shirt, a dark red and red belt, black pants with a yellow stripes on the side, and white and red shoes. He has black glasses and a smirking expression.


  • He is featured in the Gacha Life mini game 1chi's Math.
  • He first appeared in Gacha Resort, his script was written by Charlotte Mei.
  • He hates showing off his arms, which is why it was one of the dislike spots when he is tapped on in Gacha Resort's touch mode.
  • He is known to break the fourth wall many times, Charlotte Mei wrote his character as a nonsensical person.
  • It was heavily implied that he was in a relationship with Yuii in Gacha Resort, but it was just a script to pander the fans.
  • His hair used to be dark-red before he tried to dye it white as you can see in his Gacha Resort appearance.
  • He appeared again as one of the 9 main artists for Meme Gacha!
  • His name is similar to 'Ichi'[1] meaning 'One' in Japanese.
  • He starred in Lunime's first visual novel Gacha Memories, where he voiced as Cykopath.
  • He gets lost easily, and tends to appear in different worlds or dimensions! So any characters of him in alternate universes technically become canon one point if he is involved.
  • He claims to have a secret identity as the hero called..."AHOKAO HORSE!". In which he appears as 'DJ Ichi' in Gacha Club.
  • He enjoys using skateboards and scooters to get by, but much prefers walking when wandering around!
  • His outer collar hoodie used to be white until he threw it in with red laundry.
  • His father is a pilot who travels around the world.
  • The little chickens that followed him around grew up to become the characters that he came up with while drawing!
  • His character is unable to permanently die for some odd reason. He likes to call it one of his powers known as, 'Plot Armor'.
  • His eyes are small and thin because he used to stare at the sun as a kid.
  • He loves animals, but they make him feel sick due to allergic reactions.
  • He always has a chicken named Ken that follows him around! It started following him after he helped it cross a road. As well as many other chickens with variations of the name Ken...
  • All the Kens can gather around and either form a giant Ken or Almighty Ken with waffle abs.
  • His Corrupted Ichi from was drawn by Purorange[2].
  • His full name is 1chi Ken and you may have heard of him from Gacha Resort or Meme Gacha in the past. As of late he has appeared in Lunime's latest game, Gacha Club.
  • Luni[3] had assigned him to be a math teacher in Gacha Life despite knowing he had failed math 4 times!
  • His favorite animal is a chicken.
  • He dislikes water, eyes and sleeping.



  1. Ichi Wikipedia
  2. citation needed
  3. citation needed
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