Tbh I'm curious. If Ellie had a full name (Either English or Japanese), what could it be?
Long time no see, @CoffeeLife.
You have a nice version of your ship kids. But, it kinda looks identical to mine...
I'm not tryna hate... but please, try not to copy my style, because that's considered plagerism.
Tbh I'm curious. If Ellie had a full name (Either English or Japanese), what could it be?
What's the difference then?
Kaycee asked Ella if she could show her, her fairy form. Ella accepted, because she can't deny her BFF's request.
Ella doesn't use her fairy form often. Unless there's a battle.
Naomi was tired that day that she apparently locked the two in the library.
No way ship kids
I mean, I still use them for skits and stuffs.
oh shit why does she have the fan 💀💀
Natsuko failed his test.
What's the difference between Dark and Corruption Elements? Aren't they the same?
Ella and DJ Eve.
Nah, you should do her interactions with the other characters/other five stars fr,
I'll try.
*later on*
Well that was a bit awkward.
Hey guys, if ot's currently New Years in your country, I just wanna say Happy New Year to everyone. Thanks for all the memories in 2024, especially in early 2024. Hopefully 2025 is a better year than 2024. Anyways, see you all!
She was about to teleport to school till she saw her corrupted version of herself. (Gacha Memories refference???)
Welcome back
Happy Late birthday!