Wiki Lunime

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Wiki Lunime
Wiki Lunime
Wiki Lunime

Welcome to the Lunime Wiki


Lunime is a group of artists, creators of various anime-styled games for Android and iOS. All Free-to-Play and playable offline, they focus on the concept of "gacha", a word which comes from "gachapon", japanese gadgets depicting a character of an anime, manga or video game that can be obtained from an automatic dispenser. This might be an encouragement to the player to collect all the characters as a child would do with the gachapons, the only difference being that in the first case, they can be obtained for free. Up to now, the total of games available from Lunime are 11, with more 3 games being currently in development and an announced one that could come in the future.

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659 articles
20 files
4170 edits
0 editors

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Anime Gacha AndroidAppleLogoWhite
An 100% free gacha simulator that lets the players pull characters as many times as they want. 230 anime-styled characters can be collected and leveled up by pulling duplicates of them. The players can form a party of five characters to battle the raid bosses, complete quests and so much more.
Anime Arcade Android AppleLogoWhite
A compilation of many different types of arcade games, each featuring characters from Anime Gacha. Every arcade game has an Easy and Hard mode, with both modes having their own leaderboard.
Gacha World Android AppleLogoWhite
Under the identity of the "Gacha Summoner", the player will be given the task to save the world from corruption, while making friends with many different characters. The avatar is customizable and, as in Anime Gacha, you can build parties of five units. In addition to the story mode, this game has events, farm quests, arenas, raid bosses and battle towers.
Neko Gacha AndroidAppleLogoWhite
With over 150 collectable, adorable and funny-shaped cats, this is a gacha simulator entirely dedicated to cute nekos. Gaining coins and gems by defeating bosses or playing mini-games, the player will also be able to decorate their own room and background for these sweet, fluffy creatures.
Gacha Studio AndroidAppleLogoWhite
An anime dress-up app, featuring the hairstyles, facial traits, dresses, weapons and etc. coming from the other Lunime games. Not only you'll be able to create your own characters and put up funny scenes, but also collect and train many different pets.
Anime Fidget Spinner Battle AndroidAppleLogoWhite
a fidget spinner app, where characters taken from different Lunime games got their own personal fidget spinner to battle each other in a fight to the last spin.
Gacha Resort Android
A summer spin-off and "sequel" of Gacha World, all the units who helped the Gacha Summoner to defeat the corruption are now taking a break and have some vacation at the brand new resort created by Luni. There are many funny activities to do, along with a story mode.
Gacha League AndroidAppleLogoWhite
The official and currently in development prequel to Gacha World. Although still currently named Gacha League, Luni has stated that the name will change back to Gacha League. As for now, it is only possible to customize the avatar and collect units but more features are such as combat and story mode are planned.
Pocket Chibi Android AppleLogoWhite
An anime-dress up app just like Gacha Studio, but based on the new chibi models introduced in Gacha Resort.
Meme Gacha AndroidAppleLogoWhite
A small app whose sole purpose is to collect Lunime related memes, some created by the creators and others by the community.
Gacha Memories Android AppleLogoWhite
A romantic visual novel, in this game the player has the opportunity to hang out with and observe more closely some characters of the series, namely Luni, Ellie, Mitsuko, Kuku, Naomi and Kugari. In special episodes you can play as Cyko, Charlotte or Kimi, each of which will try to strengthen their relationship with another character.
Gacha Life AndroidAppleLogoWhite
A game where exploration and customization are the main themes. The player can create different avatars and then explore the new world of Gacha Life, meeting characters with whom the player can interact and give gifts to increase the bond. This game adds many new characters some of which are secret and can be met only after performing some specific actions.
Rate My OC AndroidAppleLogoWhite
An app for sharing and rating Original Characters (OCs). Upload your own OCs or browse and rate the works of others.
Gacha Club AndroidAppleLogoWhite
Join clubs, create characters, collect more characters, battle, play, and much more!

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Apply for staff now!

To expand this wiki and its overall condition, we are currently looking for experienced creators with the following qualifications:
  • well-versed in English
  • experience in HTML, CSS, JS or wikitext
  • played or playing Lunime games
Apply Now!

Wiki Staff
These users are staff on the wiki. Feel free to ask them any questions you have! We are not Lunime employees, we are unable to sort out any in-game bugs.
Ander Ku
Content Moderator
v d e
LunimeCyan Productions
Anime Arcade Creator LuniPresident NaomiOda NobunagaNight AngelNekohimeDread BunnySylphKinenArchangel MeepSuccubus LilithTraceur Kilios
Anime Fidget Spinner Battle Gacha-RoboGreen JesterPirate JessieSwimmer AoiYandere KukuMaid SanaLolita LoliAtomBlazFrostGwenInfernoValeNeko HimeXyanJessaNaitoYumeEmile RaysonDaiz IkarugaCreator LuniPresident NaomiTemachiiKitsune MitsukoReaperess MagyJaeselle IzareStarSoulthief RaimuGuardian CheshireUsagi MeidoSparky PatsNyxeria LuiselleStarlight EllieReia GarnettaNiero GarnettaToxic CarolinaSenpai Slayer KukuInferno CarrieDevil AkkiDemon HunterBaller KugariCytoCeleLunaKiliosUndineSylphEfreetCheeryCindyDJ LyteDJ CloverDJ XDJ EveDJ PhantomBreaker BlaireScarlet FlareNova BladeSuccubus LilithCykopathSagittarius EllynKiller ReddoxShiro SnowImmortal EmiliaAnavel ScarletDreameater MalloryAquatic AoGemini Yumi-YumaKazeto NekoshimaQueen KarmaMusic MisaBlaster EvyllnFlorepuella MariePyromaniac XiaoCelestial AliceGrandmaster ClaireBlooming TiffAvenger ReedLovely LunithMummy CyanthiaWolf Spirit KeitoScythe RipperScarecrow KiliosWitch MelodyCandy Cane CykoWinter SylphDJ X-MasChristmas EveRibbon Tied PhantomBaka BlaireChocolate CloverCupid ValentineDelicious MelnyaRestless AriaUnspeakable HeatherChaotic NyalaDaisy BakaLunar LulanoDelightful DeeA
Anime Gacha NaitoNekohimeNight AngelNightgleam GabiNinja KenNun MaryNurse RisaNyxeria LuiselleOda NobunagaOni-ChanPeasant SamPhantomPiggy ButaPopstar AsifPopstar SethPresident NaomiPumpkinCheshire CatChickenChocolateCocoColonel RitchieCrescendoCrescentiaBatBowgirl HikariMaid SanaMermaid ManaMi-ChanModel KeithModel LeslieMr. SenseiMummyCandy CornCandy WendyCelestial YaniAtomCreator LuniYandere KukuPresident NaomiDolphin-SanDread BunnyReaperess MagyRelaxin’ TurtleRockin’ SamEarth SpiritElf BlueyElf GreenyElf PinkyElf ReddyElf YellowyEmile RaysonSamurai KasaiSaruScarecrowSchool BoySchool GirlSchool IdolSheepy BakaShiba InukunSkull MageSorcerer EvanSorceress EinSparky PatsSpirit GirlStarSurfboard-KunSwimmer AoiSwimmer KaitoGacha-RoboGamer SwirlyGhostly BlanketGhostyGoblinGuardian CheshireGuardian PolarisGwenTechno-NekoTemachiiTrainer GwenHaLPmEhHarpiaHitman AlexHoly Knight SeyrenUsagi MeidoIdol TinaInfernoVampireVileblood RyanJaeselle IzareJesterWanchanWater FairyWind FairyWitch VioletWolf NexrisWonderland AliceKappaKimono SkieeKitsuneKitsune MikoKitsune MitsukoKoimi NisekonaYandere KukuYoung DragonZombieLolita LoliDaiz IkarugaDarko-NekoDefault HeroDinoAlpaca-sanSuccubus LilithDJ PhantomCykopathDJ XLovely LunithLunaAbushuAnavel ScarletAquatic AoArbiter KeitokuArchangel MeepBaller KugariBlaster EvyllnMarie FlorepuellaMelodyMummy CyanthiaMusic MisaCaptain JackoCelestial AliceCheeryClaireCupid ValentineCytoPyromaniac XiaoDemon HunterDevil AkkiDJ CloverDJ EveDJ LyteDJ PhantomDJ XDreameater MalloryReedEfreetSagittarius EllynScythe RipperShiro SnowSuccubus LilithSylphTiffUndineIdol KinenImmortal EmiliaWitch ClaireKiliosKiller Reddox
Gacha Club BellaBexBowgirl HikariCocoKinenKitsyLadoLithLusaMoePawketPiccCharlotte MeiMelnya Kyuzo
Gacha League RemyEmberTsundere SakuraVinylMelancholic NeroHazardous TrojanHarridan RavenTreasonous HoshiArchfiend XavierCult Starter ElliosLuxury Foodie Nea & AllenBloody Hunter ReinhardtTrainee Elf FreyaFlirty Maid EileenChao and SerenusVisLanaCephisNoxSolarisZephyrAzaleaCygnusLuciferMiwako HanamiDelilahMoesuraMirazArvegilMoeKinenJaceKuroshiManamiRikuVulcanusIrukaWanderer DaizLedi SosulksiBuryaAlenkyOdetteOdileNahar ArkwingKiriko UematsuEvanee LeeDeckard KainMidnight Le DevarchValma Von GiovandGravity NamikazeMe'l Veil CatZagato De KurugiMagyYenaKrosWalter ForemanHartzellJack WallanceDr. FalkensteinFantome VoltaireHeartbroken MagoaPainter FenSweet AureliaBright MerakiGamer KolJunieSerenityRyuuga SaikoParadoxaVon WeizerEmi NulNurse LilyTelaKimi SinsSybilDio EzumiIsaac ZinE.RAZERLee JinzoRafastar AlekziClemsonShinanoAjaxSovetskly SoyuzToxic CarolinaBlazing CarrieEllusAuriaHeRRaPanzelNeveRotcoHanoneFlavaLicacoEnamTsunereiAlceWyattBlancheNoireLunaByakuyaRiaSunnivaInuiAquaRaidSolKitsyPandoraMuuSenpaibunsDoggy RaddyMagician ReixiaClaireTiffReedCykoEllynGraf SpeeCharlotte MeiRestless AriaHushed HeatherMayhem Nyala
Gacha Life SenpaibunsLadoPatLemoYuniFierinBexPiccPawketMizumiYukinaAlisaFlashyKlauSquidiLeafuNgocMoeKatSatsunaWeiMidoriLusaNikki NiiKinenMumbleCarmaFuuKumaRambo Nyan KittyNurse LuckProfessor GachaSakuraTakeshiChloeGabriellaJanitor BobMistyMr. PrincipalTroyFrostyRudolphSantaSugarplumWinterAlexaEzraHannahKaiPixieCalebDamianEmmaEnzoChronoCrystalSelenaRinSparkyJaeThornXenosFengQingLilySpringSweetgumAutumnCandieCasperPatchesSabrinaFelicityLucaMorganaSerenityShadowBrodyCoralOttoSandySummerJadePoAliHorusKleopatraLotusTarikNemuPhantomm oBijuu MikeJoelC. C.Hime-samaRockstar-chanRaddSenpai ArtzLilyMuuSuperBrian25SpongeyInxanityRamunadeLuni1chiCharlotte MeiDaisy BakaMagical Luni
Gacha Memories LuniEllieMitsukoNaomiKugariKukuSolCharlotteDJ VinylPhantomKimiPandoraCykopathMelody
Gacha Resort Swimmer AoiTanned RafaWanchanFloaty ImoutoBeachball-ChanSurfboard-KunSchool BoyHarpiaSchool GirlGamer SwirlyWater FairyWind FairyFire FairyModel KeithModel LeslieWonderland AliceJesterMikoIdol TinaRockin’ SamNaitoCocoSchool IdolSethSenseiHikariMummyManaGwenNekohimeLolita LoliNurse RisaUsagi MeidoPopstar AsifMaid SanaOni-ChanXyanSamurai KasaiBlazPirate JessieFrostCrescentiaInfernoYumePeaceJet AceSparky ChinsCrescendoJessaRyanStarLuniNaomiKukuMitsukoMagyClaireFerryTemachiiDinoRaimuAraSheepyLuiselleCecilia NieveKitty NellaVentusVynil E-347ArniceRinAureliaRashmiKisaraAmaiFlarion V. FenrirKumamochiShinu SoburuZodiacal MonyaNilveraKimi SinsCarolinaCarrieNieroReiaJaeselleShanielleMoonlight LunaNiaMaou EdithLunaCytoKugariDevil AkkiDemon HunterCheeryUndineEfreetMalloryLilithLyteCloverXEvePhantomCykoEllynReddoxShiroTiffReedCupidMelnyaEvyllnKazetoKarmaAliceMelodyCyanthiaXiaoNova BladeBlaireElsie1chiAnavelKeitoGraf SpeeCharlotte MeiSylphScythe RipperLunithAriaHeatherNyalaDaisy BakaLulanoDeeALucas LeePrincess RosetteKilios
Gacha World Gacha RoboGreen JesterPirate JessieSwimmer AoiYandere KukuMaid SanaLolita LoliAtomBlazFrostGwenInfernoValeNeko HimeXyanJessaNaitoYumeCreator LuniPresident NaomiKitsune MitsukoReaperess MagyNyxeria LuiselleStarlight EllieCindyDJ LyteDJ CloverDJ XDJ EveDJ PhantomBreaker BlaireHermit TurtleScarlet FlareNova BladeAngelic VioletIdol KinenDevil AkkiSuccubus LilithCykopathSagittarius EllynKiller ReddoxShiro SnowDemon HunterBaller KugariCytoCeleLunaKiliosUndineSylphEfreetCheeryCupid ValentineDelicious MelnyaPenelope CoconutDicePhoenix AmiLulano SkybunnyLovely LunithMummy CyanthiaWolf Spirit KeitoScythe RipperScarecrow KiliosWitch MelodyCandy Cane CykoSnowball SylphDJ X-MasChristmas EveRibbon Tied PhantomBaka BlaireArbiter KeitokuMelnya KyuzoJack AceLady LuckFreera FlamePaladin I'baTormentor SeiyaGemini Yumi-YumaKazeto NekoshimaQueen KarmaLolimere SuishoBlaster EvyllnFlorepuella MariePyromaniac XiaoCelestial AliceChocolate CloverGrandmaster ClaireBlooming TiffAvenger ReedShishi
Jet Ace Jet AceVinylFrostMelodyGwenKiliosDJ XPhantomLuniMei
WonderEnd Lito000YuniReinNeonMerupoDiaLadoNei
Cyanity CyanaCayn
Gacha Studio Creator LuniEllieFerryJaeselle IzareLolita LoliNaitoNyxeria LuiselleOda NobunagaPopstar AsifReaperess MagySparky PatsSwimmer KaitoTemachiiValeXyanYuiiSenpai Slayer KukuYume

Lunime Anime Fidget Spinner BattleAnime Jump!ClockstoppersLedge EndMeme GachaDoge SwingNeko GachaExtreme TilesPocket ChibiFlappy AnimeFlappy RPGRate My OCStay in the RiverWonderEndFlappy SoccerAnime ArcadeAnime GachaGacha ClubGacha LeagueGacha LifeGacha ResortGacha StudioGacha World
CyanityXkour: Extreme ParkourChibionJet AceBrian's Hot PotatoHayaku! HeroCyanthiaCyan RoyaleColor BurstCyan ButterflyCyan CatcherCyan DodgeCyan SnakeCyan ClicksCyan ShooterTetrisChibi ExtremeFully Loaded LegacyMix Gear
Gacha Life Hometown Hometown AHometown BHometown C
West of City West of City AWest of City BWest of City C
Gacha City Gacha City AGacha City BGacha City CGacha City DGacha City E
Back Alley Back Alley ABack Alley B
Rooms The Orange Striped RoomThe Red Striped Room
Portals Boba Boy PortalMahou Shoujo PortalLusa's World Portal
Snowlands Snowlands ASnowlands BSnowlands CSnowlands DSnowlands E
Desert Desert ADesert BDesert CDesert D
Beach Beach ABeach BBeach CBeach DBeach E
Park Park APark BPark CPark DPark E
Spookyville Spookyville ASpookyville BSpookyville CSpookyville DSpookyville ESpookyville FSpookyville GSpookyville HSpookyville ISpookyville J
Train Train Station ATrain Station BTrain Dimension ATrain Dimension B
Bamboo Bamboo Village ABamboo Village BBamboo Walkway ABamboo Walkway BBamboo RooftopBamboo Village CBamboo EntranceBamboo Temple
School School GatesSchool Roof ASchool Roof BSchool Roof CSchool Roof DSchool Roof ELibrarySchool F3 West ASchool F3 West BSchool F3 West CSchool F2 West ASchool F2 West BSchool F2 West CSchool F3 East ASchool F3 East BSchool F3 East CSchool F2 East ASchool F2 East BSchool F2 East CSchool F2 West ASchool F2 West BSchool F2 West CSchool F1 East ASchool F1 East BSchool F1 East CSchool F1 West ASchool F1 West BSchool F1 West CDrama ClubTrackGymSchool 3rd FloorSchool 2nd FloorSchool EntranceClassroom 3AClassroom 2AClassroom 1ACourtyard ACourtyard BCourtyard CCourtyard DCourtyard E
Other The Slime ForestCity Streets
Other ChibionElementiaGacha KingdomGacha MoonGacha WoodsNeon CityRNG WorldVinyl CityXkour SkylinesXkour
A Gacha Love StoryCykopath: BirthGacha Life Chibi Coloring Book
Administrators GachaD21KarlAnthony2010Queen MimiMoonKatze27632SummerDaInsanity
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Content Moderators MeikatsukiMICINEWORLDLîłyGîrl4Ander Ku
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